Personal details

David J. Henderson McCartney

Born 1969 - Paris, I am a French/British Remote Sensing specialist, software designer, self-made-engineer and a writer. I was co-founder in InterAtlas a 3D aerial survey company that was purchased by Imao a european leader in aerial data acquisition in 2012.

Scottish through my father (publisher), Swedish through my late mother (artist), I grew up in Paris (France) where I was born.

Very young I learned to program with a New Brain computer and photography with a Nikon FM1, dyslexic I was frustrated in my studies that I stopped in high school.

When I reached 19 years of age I volunteered to serve in the french army as a paratrooper (Master corporal drill instructor), I worked afterwards in the security business for a few years.

I was educated in GIS and image analysis at Lovel Johns (UK), and in the Gobelins school (FR) of applied arts, print and digital media.

In 1996 I worked with Geo-Information (UK) an inovating publishing company who created off-the-shelf orthophotos of London, Berlin and Paris, I was responsable for the French market.

In 1997, Michel Somoguy and myself have founded InterAtlas to develop the off-the-shelf orthophotos market in France as a publisher.

From 2000 to 2005, Thierry Ruiz, Michel Somoguy and myself created a web-GIS technology offering online GIS tools and very quick acces to orthphotos.

In 2007 InterAtlas started oblique aerial acquisition, creating it's own system with a local/web viewer. InterAtlas was a leading company in 3D aerial survey and used Acute3D multi-view dense 3D reconstruction technology to create 3D cities.

Paris in 3D

During all these years and up to now I have been in charge of R&D, production and strategical developement.

Career planning
Photogrammetry - Lidargrammetry

I have worked for 25 years in aerial survey and 3D mapping with InterAtlas, today I'm the director of KGI (Khmer Geographic Institute),
Photogrammetry / Lidargrammetry - 3D - Orthophotos
and Aerial Data Acquisition...

KGI is a company based in Cambodia
Khmer Geographic Institute

Self-Made-Engineer - Remote Sensing & Photogrammetric specialist

Self educated in software design and remote sensing/photogrammetry

Fluent in French, English and Swedish, basic Khmer understanding
2010 : PPL - SEP
1996 : The Gobelins school (FR) of applied arts, print and digital media
1995 : Lovel Johns (UK), GIS training
1989 : French paratrooper (Master corporal drill instructor)
1988 : European driving license, for cars and motor-bikes
1988 : French high-school level


Manangement ///
- Business development, marketing
- LBS strategy & market development
- Team and client Management
- Flight plan, pilot & ATC management
- Estimation and costing of project

R&D ///
- Conceptualisation & algorithms
- Ai & Deep Learning
- Hardwar : image sensor, gps
- software : photogrammetry

Photogrammetry /// nadir & oblique
- Digital aerotriangulation - bundle block adjustment
- Automatic DTM/DEM extraction
- Radiometry adjustment
- Orthophoto generation and mosaicing
- Ortho3D : PMVS - MetaShape - Smart3DCapture - SURE - Inpho 3DX

LiDAR ///
- BaysMap StripAling (strip adjustment)
- Filtering and Classification with LAStools
- QA with DTMAster

Multi-SLAM & 3DGS (XGRIDS )///
- Real-time scanning and modeling
- Next-Gen 3D Content Technology
- Point-Cloud and 3DGS

Design ///
- Conceptualisation & creation
- Page layout, Digital Printing

Programming language ///
- C, Objective-C, VC++, VB, C#, Xojo
- Python, Html 5, CCS 3, JavaScript, SQL
- Solidity

GIS ///
- Qgis

Photogrammetry - Quantum physics - AI - History - Bitcoin

Inovation and creation are my insperations ! I like art, new technologies, photography and my work.

Self-made-man I learn every day and I focus on trying to become a better person. Christian by birth I'm more and more influenced by buddhism and quantum physics.

I like running, body training, boxing, flying, sport shooting, reading and traveling…
Khmer Geographic Institute - KGI
3D survey to 3D Art - 3DVarman
THOK MEDIA - Éditions - Films - Conférences
Safe Driving app - Cambodia Safe Driving
Github - FreeCode
IOS Apps - Apps
Android App - Apps
Art - Philosophy - History - Politic
HistoSophie Politique - Youtube
Pixel Art - Art
Angkor web site - Great Angkor
World Key Maps - Maps
Espaces et Paix - About this book
Révolutions - About this book
Doggerland - About this book
Past activities
Co-founder of InterAtlas - InterAtlas
Co-creator of ShockyMap technology - Shockymap
Co-creator of Urbimap WEB GIS - UrbiMap

David J. henderson McCartney
Phnom Penh - Cambodia
Send me an email My email.
Call me : +855 12 917 500